

惭愧了 这么久才又开始学习



Design that hides the details of how something works while still allowing the user to access complex functionality

what is an abstraction

Key idea:Through a simpler interface, users are able to take full advantage of a complex system without needing to know how it works or how it was made.


angle bracket

use of the angle bracket operators is usually reserved for code from the C++ Standard library


use of the quotes is usually reserved for code from the Stanford C++ libraries, or code in files that you have written yourself

variables and types


A way for code to store information by associating a value with a name
we will think of a variable as a named container storing a value


All variables have a type associated with them, where the type describes the representation of the variable.
In C++,all types must be explicitly defined when the variable is created, and a variable cannot change its type.


anatomy of a function


one or more variables that your function expects as input.

the values passed into your function and assigned to its parameter variables.

return value:
the value that your function hands back to the "calling" function.
can think parameters as a special set of local variables that belong to a function
returnType functionName(varType parameter1, varType parameter2, ...){
    returnType variable = /* Some fancy code */
    /* more code */
    return variable;
a function must always be defined before it is called

Pass-by-value is the default mode of operation when it comes to parameters in C++,which means that parameter is passed to function by value,variable is a copy of the variable passed in,changing it inside the function does not change the value in the calling function.



  • Strings are mutable in C++
  • You can add characters to strings and strings to strings using += and +
    • Strings must use double quotes(““)while characters use single(‘’)
  • You can use logical operators to compare strings(and characters)(only comparing the first letter)

when running

string hiThere = "hi"+"there";

you would get a error
cause there are cpp string and c string in cpp,when declare a string like “hi” you would get a c string,which is not allowed to be added together.

when running

string hiThere = "hi"+'!';

you would get a garbage
cause when add a different type to a c string, it would point to random garbage.

C strings vs C++ strings summary

  • C strings have no methods
    • This is why you can’t do something like “hi”.length() in C++
  • Conversion fixes
    • Store the C string in a variable first to convert it to a C++ string
    • Use a conversion function
      • string(“text”); // converts the C string literal into a C++ string
      • strig.c_str(); // return a C string from a C++ string

Takeaway:Beware of C string